Golf Fundraising Efforts
Our program is conducted in such a way that it would be a volunteer effort evolving into paid positions and is expected to become self-sufficient within a specific time-frame.
What does that mean?
All of the positions identified in the accompanying document (GPS Roles) (click here) will be volunteer until funds are in place to assist in sustaining the program.
Sources of income;
- Golf Fundraising Events
- Sponsorships
- Lessons
- Increased golf course revenue
We’ll talk about Golf Fundraising Events here; The Golf Marathon
The first golf fundraising event will be conducted the first week of May. The format will be a Golf Marathon.
A golf marathon is a format similar to a walk-a-thon or read-a-thon where each fundraising golfer is empowered to raise a total of $20 per hole over a six-month timeframe and play as many holes as possible in one day at the Champions Run GC the first week of May. Our goal is 20 golfers raising $20 per hole and playing 100 holes in one day for a total of $40,000 in gross funds raised.
$20 per hole???
We will be equipping each golfer with fundraising sheets to go out and ask people in their network for a portion of that “per hole” pledge.
Let’s say, we equip a golfer with the sheets and we ask the golfer to be ready to ask anyone he knows to donate. The golfer now becomes a Golf Fundraising Golfer (GFG) and sits before the Lord and writes out the people brought to mind to “Ask” for contributions for this very worthy effort to introduce young middle schoolers to golf and God.
Our GFG determines that one of his friends in his community owns a somewhat prosperous concrete company or Uber business or any business that is prosperous.
Our GFG would be trained to contact Mr Concrete Company owner (MCCo) and communicate that he/she has agreed to play 100 holes of golf in one day while raising pledges per hole for his/her effort. The reason our GFG is challenging himself/herself to play this many holes is because this fundraising golf marathon is benefiting the Golf Program in Schools in our Montgomery schools.
For every $20 raised a child will be introduced to the game of golf and given a free Junior Membership to the Montgomery Municipal Golf Courses until they graduate from high school. That could be up to SIX YEARS of free golf!!!
That’s amazing, right?
But, imagine that each Junior Member also has the option of being trained up as a Christ Follower!! That will change the trajectory of that child, their family and the community in which they live!!!!
His MCCo says “That is pretty amazing, what can I do to help?”
Our GFG says; “You could contribute $2.00 per hole. Just $2.00. That equates to a minimum of $200 when I play 100 holes, but I might play 117 holes so you would be committed to contributing up to $234.
That’s 11 kids that will be sponsored in our program!!
You will be positively impacting the lives of those kids by introducing them to the game of golf, training them up on how to be people of integrity on the golf course and at home as well as introducing them and training them up to be people who know the Lord Jesus Christ and are followers of Him for eternity!!!!”
MCCo says, “Whoa, $234. That’s a lot, right!?” Our GFG says, “Yes, Sir, but, you’re impacting the lives of so many children in our community. You know how we have to improve our community and this is the best way to do that; golf and God.”
MCCo says, “I know, but, is it possible to give a smaller amount?”
“Yes, sir.” Our fundraising GFG says, “How about $1.50 per hole. That would be $150 dollars or a bit more. You don’t have to wait until the end of the event. You could contribute to seven or eight kids now by giving a check for $150.”
“OK”, MCCo says, “I’ll give you a $100 check for five kids. Is that OK?”
“ABSOLUTELY!! Thank you so much. Here is a receipt for your contribution and we will mention your company at our event and in our newsletter.”
And our GFG heads off to the next friend…..
Our GFG has just raised $1.00 per hole. Only $19 per hole left.
Let’s say his next friend is not so fortunate to own a concrete company or be an Uber driver. Our GFG decides to ask this friend for 20 cents per hole which will be $20 or a little more. Their friend agrees and our golf fundraising golfer has just raised a total 0f $120 now. Just $18.80 per hole to go. And on and on until our golf fundraising golfer gets to the $20 per hole (or more) goal.
Planning Schedule for our GPS - Murfreesboro Golf Marathon
- December 6th @ 4:30 PM #1 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting
- December 20th @ 4:30 PM #2 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting, ONLINE
- January 6th @ 2 PM #3 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting
- January 17th @ 2 PM #4 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting
- February 12th @ 2 PM #5 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting
- February 28th @ 2 PM #6 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting ONLINE
- March 18th @ 2 PM #7 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting
- March 28th @ 2 PM #8 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting
- April 11th @ 2 PM #9 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting ONLINE
- April 25th @ 2 PM #10 Golf Fundraising Planning Meeting
- May 2nd or May 6th Golf Marathon Event @ 7 AM Gateway GC
I will be sending out a bit more information before our December 20th online meeting.
Please make every effort to attend this online Zoom Meeting and be prepared to ask questions you may have regarding our moving forward..
Let's Gooooooo!!!